Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

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Louisa Brinsmade
Posts: 82
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Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Louisa Brinsmade »

Welcome to the new year, and welcome to our three new Council Members. Here’s to a wonderful 2025!

Last December, I posted about appointments to council committees and intergovernmental entities during our first work session in January. Additionally, I shared a couple of thoughts about how we could better utilize council committee processes and work.

As noted in my original post, we can use the message board to consult with each other about committees and intergovernmental bodies that we want to be part of this year. Please feel free to use this thread to let all of us all know what you’re thinking.

Here is the list of current committees and intergovernmental bodies with relevant code links: http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 173723.pdf

I’ve also included two potential new committees that we should consider. There’s been some interest in re-creating a committee for the Parks Department, which currently does not have a committee home, as well as for Watershed Protection and Austin Water. From my perspective, this seems like a good idea. That would mean replacing the current Austin Water Oversight Committee and reauthorizing the Open Space, Environment and Sustainability Committee from 2015 as an updated Climate, Water and Parks Committee. We would reauthorize this at the January 30th Council meeting. In the document, I’ve shown the language that was in the 2015 ordinance authorizing the committee for you to see.

Additionally, during the past year, there has been much discussion and a lot of interest in economic development, especially as it relates to workforce development and childcare. That is why I suggest we also reauthorize the former Economic Opportunity Committee to oversee these important issues at the January 30th meeting.

As noted, reauthorizing committees or making changes to existing ones requires ordinance changes. When we have some agreement in this thread about changes, I will craft an ordinance for our January 30th meeting agenda and post it here with an invitation to all of you to join as co-sponsors.

The Code indicates that the City Manager will assign liaisons for the committees. I’ve been working with the Manager and he has indicated he would have the Deputy City Manager, Assistant City Managers and the Chief Financial Officer serve as liaisons. This is really good because it gives the committees someone from the professional staff with authority to help provide information for us. It should allow the policy making bodies (the committees) better access to information and a greater opportunity to vet issues and ideas more fully at the committee level. This will allow us to ensure that our committees are more effective and impactful, and I believe it will improve transparency and strengthen the partnership between policymakers and executive city staff. Thank you to the City Manager for his work and input on this process.

Please let all of us know your preferences for the committees and intergovernmental appointments by replying to this thread in advance of the scheduled January 28th work session. I will compile the list and repost it here on an ongoing basis so that we have a master list to all work from. Once there is a consensus after the work session, I’ll present the results to the City Clerk.

I considered making recommendations regarding potential chairs and vice-chairs based upon things like past service on a committee (including past leadership of the committee) and priorities expressed in the media. However, I decided to wait so that everyone could weigh in individually here before January 28th. Please let us all know where you would like to serve in a leadership role.

Also, let’s consider reviewing the list of intergovernmental entities. Since some of these groups may no longer meet, it may be worth us having a conversation around cleaning up the list.

Here are my thoughts about where I would like to serve:


I would like to serve as chair of the Audit & Finance Committee.

I recommend that the Audit & Finance Committee engage in a more systematic, routine, ongoing analysis of the city’s financial condition, not just when we are faced with critical decisions during the budget process. The committee would also continue with its audit oversight function.

As you know, the Chair, Vice-Chair, and one Audit & Finance committee member have rolled off of Council. I suggest that the two committee members who remain on the Council – Council Members Fuentes and Alter (if they want) – stay on the committee. To round out the membership, I suggest Council Member Vela join, and the remaining slot go to one of the new Council Members.


I want to give up my position as chair.


I want to give up my membership position.


I’d like to maintain my position on the following:

AUSTIN FIREFIGHTERS RELIEF & RETIREMENT FUND (this is required by state statute)







WORKFORCE SOLUTIONS CENTRAL TEXAS (this is also required by law)

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you,

On behalf of Mayor Watson
Senior Policy Advisor
Office of Mayor Kirk Watson
Julie Montgomery
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Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Julie Montgomery »

Posted on behalf of CM Ellis:

Mayor Watson, thank you for initiating the conversation around the 2025 Council committee and intergovernmental appointments. Moving forward, I would like to:

- Balcones Canyonlands Conservation Plan Coordinating Committee [Position to be vacated by MPT Pool]
- CapMetro Board as a City Council appointee [Position to be vacated by MPT Pool; I currently serve on the CapMetro Board as CAMPO's appointee.]
- Austin-San Antonio Corridor Council [Open position]
- Vice Chair of the proposed Climate, Water, and Parks Council Committee, as long as I can still retain my position as Chair of the Mobility Committee.

- Chair of Mobility Committee

- Housing & Planning Committee
- CAMPO Board [I am supportive of CM Qadri and CM Vela picking up the CAMPO positions vacated by CM A. Alter and me, and of CM Qadri becoming CAMPO's appointee to CapMetro.]
- Clean Air Coalition
- Clean Air Force Board
- Texas Colorado River Floodplain Coalition [To the best of my knowledge, this group no longer exists and hasn't for several years.]

I hope this is helpful as you start drafting the lists of appointments, and I look forward to our new Council Members’ input as they join our committee opportunities.

Chief of Staff
Office of Council Member Paige Ellis, District 8
Zo Qadri
Posts: 15
Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2023 12:46 pm

Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Zo Qadri »

Mayor Watson thanks for kicking off this conversation.

Below are my preferred appointments for 2025:

- Economic Opportunity: Chair

- Housing & Planning

- Mobility: Vice Chair
- Public Health
- Public Safety
- Hate Crimes Task Force
- Pecan Street Project
- Visit Austin

Council Member, District 9
Ryan Alter
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Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Ryan Alter »

Thank you, Mayor, for kicking off this discussion. I share your belief that we have opportunities to better utilize our committees and intergovernmental appointments.

After serving on the Audit and Finance Committee for the past two years and working through two increasingly tight budgets (something I anticipate will only get worse as the revenue caps continue), I agree that we should bolster the finance-element of that committee. This could include discussions/review of our budget and revenue projections and a deeper look into City financial policies, strategic planning, and department budgets and needs. I also would like to see this committee look at the total tax burden shouldered by Austinites and consider all ways we can make our city more affordable.

I support merging the Water Utility Oversight Committee into a new body that would oversee parks, water, and environmental issues, and I am interested in chairing such a committee. I also support the re-establishment of an Economic Opportunity Committee. In addition to workforce development, childcare, and other economic development programs such as the cultural arts, this committee could oversee the convention center and airport redevelopments, both of which will greatly benefit from the work you initiated with the Infrastructure Academy.

I am also interested in your suggestion of using the committees to better flesh out ideas and priorities, similar to how the Public Health Committee has worked on homelessness needs, priorities, fiscal impacts, and potential IFCs. I believe this work should include each committee reviewing the relevant portions of our strategic plan that establishes the priorities for our departments and informs the formulation of the budget.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to put forward the committees and intergovernmental bodies I am interested in serving on next year. I am proud of my work on the Housing & Planning Committee alongside Chair Harper-Madison and my colleagues the last two years, but given the time requirements of the committees I hope to join and take leadership roles in, I plan to step down and serve on the following:

Committees of Council
- Climate, Water, and Parks Committee (chair)
- Audit and Finance (vice-chair)
- Public Health

Intergovernmental Bodies
- Austin/AISD/County Joint Committee
- Police Retirement Fund

I look forward to working with each of you this coming year.

Council Member, District 5
Jose Velasquez
Posts: 42
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:35 pm

Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Jose Velasquez »

Good Afternoon All!
In 2025 I'd like to serve in the following capacities. 

Public Safety – Chair

Public Health - Vice Chair
Travis/AISD/ COA Joint Committee

Community Advancement Network (CAN)

A sus ordenes,
Council Member, District 3
Krista Laine
Posts: 5
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Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Krista Laine »

Thank you, Mayor Watson, for opening this discussion. I’ll share my current thinking below, circling back on Monday to either confirm or adjust (if my thinking has shifted).

Priority Council Committees

Audit & Finance
Ensuring that opportunities for internal efficiency translate into cost savings that are reinvested to improve access and reliability of core city services, support the city’s strategic priorities, and maintain a strong financial rating, is a top priority for me.

While new to Council, my professional experience includes analyzing hundreds of historical operating statements, identifying areas where cost savings are feasible and/or where additional investment is called for, then presenting a pro forma operating budget, with specific recommendations for shifting resources, including identifying when capital investment is appropriate. I have also worked on the staff side of a large, established nonprofit, supporting board and key staff leadership during a capital fundraising campaign in order to support shifting priorities. My volunteer leadership experience includes serving on the Executive Board of multiple organizations (nonprofits, professional organization, HOA), as well as advocacy and community leadership related to a TRE, bond package, and other related topics.

I anticipate bringing specific cost-saving ideas to this Committee, which I believe I can develop more efficiently as a sitting Member. However, I don’t want it to become a Committee of the Whole. Therefore, I’ll circle back on Monday to confirm whether I prefer to join now versus step back for now, joining at the next opportunity.

Public Safety
Public safety is extremely important to my district, so this Committee is also a top priority for me. I’d like to serve as a Committee Member, and I am available if needed as a Vice Chair.

Economic Opportunity
This is also an area of strong interest, across multiple topics that this Committee will likely take up. I’d like to serve as a Committee Member.

Priority Intergovernmental Entities
Austin/AISD/County Joint Committee
Serving as a Committee Member seems like the most efficient way to build relationships and to info share about support for public schools with Austin addresses. My public school advocacy experience is complementary to other Committee Members in ways that I think will enrich both discussion and problem solving.

Regional Affordability
Will this Committee continue? If so, I think it’s important to include a northern perspective. I’m just wondering how often it will meet.

Krista Laine
Council Member, District 6
Vanessa Fuentes
Posts: 74
Joined: Tue Jan 19, 2021 9:02 am

Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Vanessa Fuentes »

I am looking forward to a robust discussion on committee structures and appointments. Here are my service preferences:

Public Health - Chair
Audit & Finance – Member
CAMPO- Executive Member

Economic Opportunity – Vice-Chair

As the newly appointed Chair of the Transportation & Infrastructures Services Committee for the National League of Cities (NLC), I will need to step down as a member of the Community Advancement Network and Hate Crimes Task Force so that I can fulfill my commitments to NLC and duties as Mayor Pro Tem.

Yours in community,
Council Member, District 2
Sharon Mays (D1)
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2025 2:11 pm

Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Sharon Mays (D1) »


Happy New Year! I’d like to echo Mayor Watson in welcoming our three new Council Members—here’s to a productive and collaborative 2025!

I strongly support the new and revised committees. Leveraging these committees as a tool for more efficient policymaking, deeper discussions, and thorough vetting of policies before council meetings is a smart approach. I’m especially excited about the liaison proposal, which I believe will strengthen collaboration between Council Members and our Executive Staff, while streamlining policy discussions.

I would be honored to serve on committees that closely align with District 1’s key policy priorities:
• Housing & Planning – remaining as Chair
• Economic Opportunity
• Mobility

To focus on these areas, I’d like to step off the CAMPO board and encourage my colleagues to take on this important role, ensuring that regional transportation planning reflects the diverse needs of our communities.

Thank you for the opportunity to continue serving alongside all of you. I look forward to working together on the important issues ahead!


On behalf of CM Harper-Madison
Chief of Staff
Office of Council Member Harper-Madison, District 1
Mike Siegel
Posts: 6
Joined: Wed Jan 08, 2025 3:42 pm

Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Mike Siegel »

Good morning colleagues,

Happy to join this important conversation. Here are my preferences in regard to committees:

- Audit & Finance*
- Economic Opportunity**
- Public Health

- Texas Municipal League***

* Although A&F is my first choice, I'll defer to my colleagues to avoid creation of another committee of the whole
** I'd like to join EO if I'm not able to join A&F
*** I've worked with TML in my prior capacity as an Assistant City Attorney and would be honored to represent the City on this committee, but would defer to the Mayor if he prefers to continue as our representative

In terms of leadership roles, I'd be happy to serve as Vice-Chair of the Austin Energy Oversight Committee.

With respect,
Mike Siegel
Council Member, District 7
Jose Chito Vela
Posts: 97
Joined: Fri Feb 11, 2022 8:16 am

Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Jose Chito Vela »


Thank you for this discussion. My preferences for committee appointments are:


Austin Energy
Sobering Center
Capital Metro

I have been the vice chair of the Austin Energy Utility Oversight Committee for the past two years and would like to chair the committee.


Audit and Finance

I would like to be vice chair of the Housing Committee.


Public Safety

Finally, I support the creation of the two new proposed committees. The Parks and Recreation Department definitely needs a committee where they can periodically report on programs and initiatives.

Marc Duchen
Posts: 2
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2025 5:40 pm

Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Marc Duchen »

Good evening everyone and thank you all for the warm welcome.

In general, I’m looking to serve on committees where I can leverage my background to contribute and to address issues that people brought to my attention and I campaigned on.

Here are my committee preferences:
-Audit & Finance

I’m also interested in serving on some of the following committees but in terms of priority they are secondary to A&F:
-Economic Development (in part to work on arts-related issues, which I have visited with some of you about)
-Public Safety
-Climate, Water, and Parks
-Public Health

On the Intergovernmental entities I’d like to serve on:
-Hate Crimes Task Force

So far it looks like I may be the only one interested in joining CAPCOG and I’ve been advised that the Hate Crimes Task Force can potentially expand its membership if there is enough interest from other council members.

Thank you!
Council Member, District 10
Jose Velasquez
Posts: 42
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:35 pm

Re: Updated 2025 Council Committees and Intergovernmental Appointments

Post by Jose Velasquez »

Good morning, colleagues.

I would like to update my earlier response with a request to be added to the Economic Opportunity Committee.

Thank you,

Council Member, District 3