Joint City Council and Planning Commission Meeting

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Colleen Pate
Posts: 162
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Joint City Council and Planning Commission Meeting

Post by Colleen Pate »


Here is my proposed schedule for the Joint City Council and Planning Commission meeting tomorrow.

We will begin promptly at 9:00 AM. I will call the City Council meeting to order, and Planning Commission Vice Chair Azhar will convene the Planning Commission meeting. I will then open the public hearing for both bodies.

We will begin with a presentation from City Staff. As a reminder, the Q&A process for Council and the Planning Commission will continue to be available. For the Planning Commission, it will be available until before the Commission’s meeting on April 30th. For the Council, it will continue until Council takes action on May 16th. Council Members and Planning Commissioners are currently being directed to send questions to Catie Powers. They are being posted on this website: ... /index.cfm

Out of deference to the large number of speakers that are signed up for this public hearing and the fact we want to hear from them, please use the Q&A system for now to ask questions you may have of staff. Members of both bodies will also have the chance for questions and discussion at the April 30th (Planning Commission) and May 16th (Austin City Council) meetings. At the meeting tomorrow, please limit questions of staff to only clarifying questions on the presentation.

Following the staff presentation, we will begin public testimony. Again, out of respect to the public that will be there to provide thoughts and testimony, we will not have a formal lunch break. Please ensure that there is a quorum and excuse yourself when you want to get something to eat. At the conclusion of public testimony, we will adjourn both the City Council meeting and the Planning Commission meeting.

As noted, each body will have the opportunity for discussion at their upcoming meetings. The Planning Commission will meet on April 23rd and April 30th and the City Council will have the opportunity for discussion at our meeting on May 16th.

I look forward to a productive meeting.


On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office