2024 Council Committee Appointments

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Colleen Pate
Posts: 146
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Colleen Pate »

Council Members,

As we approach the end of the year, we need to organize Council Committee assignments and assignments from the Council to intergovernmental bodies for 2024. The plan would be for the Council to discuss this at our upcoming Work Session on December 12, 2023, but not take action until our January 18, 2024, meeting.

I’ve attached links to Council Committees and Intergovernmental body appointments for 2023.

http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 152413.pdf
http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 152533.pdf

Please let me know your preferences by posting to this topic in advance of the scheduled meeting. I will coordinate. Once there is a consensus, I’ll present the results to the City Clerk.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Thank you,


On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office
Vanessa Fuentes
Posts: 70
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Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Vanessa Fuentes »


I want to streamline my committee participation and will seek to roll off the Mobility Committee in the New Year.

I intend to remain Chair of the Public Health Committee and remain as a member of the Audit & Finance Committee, along with serving as Chair of the Community Advancement Network (CAN) as the City of Austin representative. CAN has traditionally had two Council representatives so it would be great if another colleague is interested in joining.

Yours in community,
Council Member, District 2
Jose Chito Vela
Posts: 90
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Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Jose Chito Vela »


Thank you for starting this conversation. Given my membership on the Cap Metro board, I’d like to take CM Fuentes’s spot on the Mobility Committee. Being on both the Cap Metro board and the Mobility Committee will give me better insight in all of our transportation challenges, a policy area of great interest to me. As I also serve on the Public Safety Committee and the Sobering Center Board, I would need to roll off the Public Health Committee to balance my workload. .

Looking forward to continuing this conversation in the new year.

Paige Ellis
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Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Paige Ellis »

Mayor, thank you for initiating this conversation, and colleagues, thank you for chiming in. CM Fuentes, we will certainly miss your insights and contributions at the Mobility Committee, but I know CM Vela will do a great job, and I look forward to his participation.

For my appointments, I wish to continue chairing the Mobility Committee and serving on the CAMPO Transportation Policy Board, the CapMetro Board as a CAMPO appointee, the Housing & Planning Committee, and the CAPCOG Clean Air Coalition.

I have enjoyed my service on the Clean Air Force Board for the past five years, including participating in its Executive Committee this year. To better balance my workload in 2024 and allow another Council Member to build up expertise in air quality issues, I would like to roll off the Clean Air Force Board and open up that appointment for someone else.

Thanks, and I look forward to our work together in the new year!

Paige Ellis
Paige Ellis
City Council District 8
Jose Velasquez
Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:35 pm

Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Jose Velasquez »

I would like to continue serving on the following committees;
• Housing and Planning Committee
• Public Health Committee
• Austin/AISD/County Joint Committee
Thank you,
Council Member Velásquez
Council Member, District 3
Jose Velasquez
Posts: 35
Joined: Tue Jan 17, 2023 2:35 pm

Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Jose Velasquez »

I wanted to amend my previous post.
I’ve been wanting to serve on the Community Advancement Network (CAN) but wanted to ensure I had the bandwidth to do so.
In speaking with the Mayor, he expressed an interest in serving on the Housing Committee so
I would like to amend my post to: REMOVE Housing and Planning and ADD CAN.
Thank you,
CM Velásquez
Council Member, District 3
Colleen Pate
Posts: 146
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Colleen Pate »

Council Members:

As promised, I’m forwarding a redline version of the proposed list of city council committees and other appointments of council members. This version includes all the input that’s been received by posts on the message board.

I’ll call attention to the Housing and Planning Committee. I would like to serve on that committee. Council Member Velasquez has generously indicated that he would not serve on the committee so that we don’t make the committee a committee of the whole by having so many serving on it. I appreciate his help. I would like to come off of the Public Health Committee.

http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 135330.pdf

http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 135434.pdf

The plan will be to discuss all these potential appointments at the work session next Tuesday, if needed. We can vote on Thursday January 18th.

If you have any questions, please reply to this message.



On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office
Colleen Pate
Posts: 146
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Colleen Pate »


Please see version 2 of the intergovernmental body appointments document. This version corrects an error.

http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 163204.pdf


On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office
Natasha Harper-Madison
Posts: 68
Joined: Tue Jan 15, 2019 12:52 pm

Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Natasha Harper-Madison »

Colleagues, thank you for your time and meaningful contributions while serving the various council committees.
Regarding my appointments, my policy priorities remain the same, Housing, Economic, Opportunity and Mobility. With true clarity of purpose, chairing the Housing and Planning Committee is an appointment I am passionate about and grateful for. I view this role as critical to our overall housing efforts, both in the work we have accomplished and will accomplish in the future. It presents an opportunity to get ahead in an area where we have consistently operated at a deficit.
Our committees are an opportunity to be more informed, innovative, and creative in our solutions architecture. Maintaining a seat on the Mobility Committee is important to me for similar reasons.
Additionally, I would like to remain as a representative for CAMPO. The commitment to serve on this regional body has been a great learning tool and helpful in seeing the big picture of local mobility issues and long-range infrastructure.
I hope to continue contributing to discussions and gaining insight as we collectively aim to construct creative and equitable solutions for all parts of Austin.
Thank you, and I am looking forward to working with all of you in the new year!
Natasha Harper-Madison
Council Member District 1
Natalie Deller
Posts: 15
Joined: Tue Jul 26, 2022 3:12 pm

Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Natalie Deller »

On behalf of CM Qadri:


I would like to continue serving on the following committees:

Housing and Planning Committee
Public Safety Committee
Mobility Committee (I would like to remain Vice Chair of Mobility)
Hate Crimes Task Force
Visit Austin

I would like to be added to the following committee:

Public Health Committee

CM Zo Qadri
Policy Advisor
Office of Council Member Zo Qadri, District 9
Colleen Pate
Posts: 146
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Colleen Pate »


Thank you for sharing your input on Council committee assignments and intergovernmental entity appointments. I am including an updated redline version of the Council committee assignments for 2024. This version incorporates previous changes and redlines new changes. I want to bring to your attention the Vice Chair for Austin Energy Oversight Committee and the Vice Chair for Public Safety Committee.

http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 33635.docx

I am also including the attached updated version of the 2024 intergovernmental entity appointments. This version incorporates all changes.

http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 45423.docx

We can discuss any additional changes if needed at our Work Session on Tuesday, January 16th.


On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office
Colleen Pate
Posts: 146
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Re: 2024 Council Committee Appointments

Post by Colleen Pate »


My goal is to provide these lists to the City Clerk under the procedures for Friday morning.

http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 112251.pdf

http://assets.austintexas.gov/austincou ... 112344.pdf



On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office