Recommendation from Council Committee on Search Firm for City Manager

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Colleen Pate
Posts: 139
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Recommendation from Council Committee on Search Firm for City Manager

Post by Colleen Pate »

Council Members:

The Council Committee assigned with recommending a search firm to help us with the national search for a new city manager has made a decision and will recommend Mosaic Public Partners to the Council. As you know, the Committee is Mayor Pro Tem Ellis, Council Member Fuentes, Council Member Vela, Council Member Pool and me.

This recommendation will be on the City Council Agenda for the October 19, 2023, meeting. It will be posted as part of the addendum this coming Friday, but we all wanted the full Council and public to know of the recommendation earlier.

The Committee reviewed multiple responses to the RFQ, interviewed four national firms (three in person and one virtually) and evaluated references before deciding to make this recommendation. Mosaic Public Partners is a national search firm with broad experience in recruiting public sector officials, including previously recruiting positions for the City of Austin. Among other factors the Committee considered in making this recommendation was Mosaic's commitment to an open, transparent process that involved a robust public process.

We will provide additional information and details, of course. There will be backup with the addendum. This Message Board post is simply to let you know the recommendation is coming and to get that information to you even before the posting for the agenda.

Please remember that each of us is subject to the "anti-lobbying" ordinance.



Posted on behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office