Item 47

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Colleen Pate
Posts: 178
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Item 47

Post by Colleen Pate »


Item 47 establishes a bench of consultants for $8.5 million for the Planning Department to utilize on Council and Planning Department initiatives. Council received a memo late yesterday outlining what projects the consulting bench will support. In part because of how late we received this additional information, I support the decision to postpone the item to the October 10, 2024, Council meeting.

As the staff memo says, the Planning Department intends to use a portion of the $8.5 million consulting bench for the Imagine Austin update. I have previously expressed my concern with this project (as have others), and I continue to be concerned. There are multiple Council initiated planning items that are still in the works. They deserve the appropriate time and attention. Additionally, I strongly believe the good work we have accomplished in the past year and a half deserves a focus when it comes to implementation. We have made major strides that must be implemented well.

Before we continue with an Imagine Austin update, including the authorization of consulting contracts and the appointments of our community working group, I would ask city staff to communicate with the community and council to identify the need for the proposed work. In addition, I would ask that the Planning Department better relay information regarding items such as item 47 for the sake of transparency and Council engagement.

As I stated above, I will be supporting the postponement of item 47.


On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office
Melissa Beeler
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Dec 05, 2023 2:00 pm

Re: Item 47

Post by Melissa Beeler »

On behalf of Council Member Qadri:

Thank you, Mayor, for your leadership on this issue. I echo your sentiments on the need for council and community engagement for the sake of transparency.

I'm hopeful we will gain more time to hear about the need for an Imagine Austin Plan update, perhaps being on a separate track to ensure community support while proceeding with the other projects funded through Item 47. As you know, council and the community are anticipating necessary code amendments and planning projects staff has been diligently working on, including the Downtown Austin Plan Update.

I look forward to council and community conversations about a defined scope and timeline for an Imagine Austin Plan update.

Policy Advisor
Office of Council Member Zo Qadri, District 9
Leslie Pool
Posts: 243
Joined: Mon Jan 12, 2015 3:22 pm

Re: Item 47

Post by Leslie Pool »

Mayor, thanks for airing your concerns. I agree with your and CM Qadri's comments, and will support a postponement for Item 47.

Leslie Pool
Mayor Pro Tem
Council Member, District 7