Council Meeting Schedule 8/14/24

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Colleen Pate
Posts: 178
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Council Meeting Schedule 8/14/24

Post by Colleen Pate »


Here is my plan for our meeting tomorrow, August 14, 2024. We will begin promptly at 10am. We will begin with items 12 and 13 related to calling the elections. We will hear speakers on these items, discuss and vote.

Following items 12 and 13, I will likely recess the City Council meeting and call to order the AHFC meeting. Following the AHFC meeting, we will conduct the Mueller Local Government Corporation meeting. I anticipate these two meetings going quickly and we can let staff leave.

I’ll call back to order the Council Meeting and we will open the public hearings on items 1-6. We will hear speakers on items 1-6, 7-11 and items 14-30 at the same time. Speakers will have 3 minutes. Speakers will be able to donate time. Speakers wishing to donate time must coordinate with the City Clerk prior to being called. All parties (speakers and donors) must be present in person to be eligible for donation of time.

At the conclusion of the speakers, we will take the items up in the following order: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 1. Please note that there is no action on items 2, 3, 4, and 5.

On item 7, I will ask for a motion and a second. Once we have the main motion, I will call on staff to share the recommended amendments. This will include both the staff amendments and council amendments recommended by staff. We will then discuss and take action.

We will then take up the Items from Council (items 14-30). My plan is for us to take the Items from Council like a consent agenda and on one motion. Council members will be called on to make comments as part of the discussion before we vote, as we do with our consent agenda at regular council meetings. If you would like to pull an item for discussion, please let the Clerk and Colleen know.

I am looking forward to a productive meeting.

I appreciate all of the hard work the Council has done and will do tomorrow. I also deeply appreciate the City Manager and our Budget staff for the hard work.

On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office