Council Meeting Schedule 3/23/23

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Colleen Pate
Posts: 139
Joined: Mon Jan 09, 2023 1:22 pm

Council Meeting Schedule 3/23/23

Post by Colleen Pate »


Here is my proposed plan for the Council meeting tomorrow. Please note all times are estimated and may change, depending on the will of the dais and additional speaker sign-ups.

We will begin promptly at 10am. We will hear public testimony first. Speakers will have 2 minutes. We will then vote on the consent agenda with brief remarks from Council. Please note that I am pulling items 57, 58, and 60 so the dais can discuss proposed amendments. Item 56 has also been pulled.

We will then take up the non-consent items and conduct public hearings on items 65, 66 and related item 67.

Following item 67, I will then recess the City Council meeting and we will conduct the AHFC meeting. We will follow the AHFC meeting with the AHPFC meeting.

Following the AHPFC meeting, I anticipate we will take up the pulled items in the following order: 56,57,58, and 60.

Public communication will begin at 12pm and we will also have live music. We will not have a formal lunch break. Please be sure that a quorum is present and excuse yourself to take a 15–20-minute lunch break.

At 2pm, we will hear from our zoning consent speakers and vote on the zoning consent agenda. Speakers will have 2 minutes.
I anticipate we will have zoning items for discussion. We will hear public testimony when the zoning item is taken up.

I look forward to a productive day.

Thank you,


On behalf of Mayor Watson
Chief of Staff, Mayor Watson's Office